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نامه آقای داود ارشد به سفیر سابق نروژ در ایران

آقای روالد استورلا دناسس
من داود باقروند ارشد مهندس راه و ساختمان فارغ التحصیل از انگلستان جاییکه در سال 1977 زمانیکه دانشجو بودم توسط فرقه رجوی عضوگیری شدم. اخیرا تحلیل شما از فرقه تروریستی رجوی را که بسیار هشدار دهند و با درک عمیق نوشته شده و بطور موثری تاثیر گذار بود که در روزنامه داگنز نارینگسلیون نروژ در تاریخ 27 نوامبر 2018 بچاپ رسید را خواندم.

فرقه تروریستی رجوی تشکلی است که من بیش از سه دهه بعنوان عضو عالیرتبه و همچنین عضو شورای ملی مقاومت آن فعال بوده ام. هرچند نیاز به یادآوری نیست که شورای ملی مقاومت و زبان به ظاهر نرم مریم رجوی ویترینی است جهت مخفی کردن رویکرد تروریستی انها در قبال تمدن بشر امروزه. هرچند که این تاکتیک آنها نه تنها مردم ایران حتی هیچ کس را در اروپا آخرین سنگر دفاع از دمکراسی و آزادی و و حقوق بشر را نتوانسته بفریبد.

باید اقرار کنم که اینروزها کمتر به تحلیلهایی در مورد فرقه رجوی بر میخورید که متاثر از ماشین تبلیغات دروغین بسیار گران آنها و یا متاثر از لابی های با دست مزد بالایشان قرار نداشته باشد. که زمینه ساز لاپوشانی ماهیت تروریستی فرقه رجوی میگردند.

به همین دلیل بعنوان یک عنصر درونی فرقه رجوی، باجندین دهه تجربه در زمینه پروپاگاندای بین المللی آنها، مقاله تحلیل شما را بسیار متکی به اصول و با ارزش یافتم.
تجربه من نشان داده است که در اینگونه موارد فرقه رجوی با تمام توان علیه هر نقطه نظر و تحلیل انتقادی نسبت خودشان اقدام به بمباران نویسنده مستقل از اینکه چه کسی باشد مینمایند. تا نویسنده را وادار به عقب نشینی از اصولش کنند.و اینکاررا با به گروگان گرفتن آگاهی نویسنده انجام میدهند. و قطعا مقاله شجاعانه شما باید در صدر اقدامات مریم رجوی قرار گرفته باشد.

تاکتیک بسیار شناخته شده فرقه رجوی مارک زدن به منتقد مستقل از اینکه چه کسی باشد است حال عضو درون تشکیلات باشد یا … او را “مزدور رژیم ایران” میخوانند. این تنها جواب مریم رجوی به هر انتقادی طی چهل سال گذشته بوده است.

Dear Mr. Roald Sturla Næss

I am Davood B. Arshad a UK educated Civil Engineer who was recruited by Mek while I was a university student in England in 1977.
I have recently read your very highly informative, deeply understood, thorough and influential analytical article published in Dagens Næringslivon on 27.11.2018 about an extremist Iranian Organization (Mek-PMOI) which I have served as a high ranking member and also member of its so called NCRI for more than 3 decades. no need to say that NCRI coupled with Maryam Rajavi’s soft language are the show window of Mek to hide its extremism towards contemporary human’s civilization, which has not only been able to convince Iranians but had little effect in Europe the last trench defending democracy and human rights…

Your honor,
I must admit that one very rarely comes across a factual political-social analyses about Mek that are not influenced by the Mek’s highly financed propaganda machine, or their very highly paid lobbies that paves the ground to overlook the real nature of Mek. That’s why as an insider to Mek with long years of involvement in its international propaganda machine, found your article very highly principled and genuine. Mek, to my experience, full forcedly goes against the authors of any article, critic of them, to force them to retreat from their principles by taking their conscience hostage, and your daring article must have been on the top of their agenda. Mek’s well known tactic is branding any critic no matter who the person might be “an agent of the Iranian regime”. The tactic that is even being used against members inside Mek. Which is the only answer of Mek to the critics.

Your honor,
Let me add that, 2018 was a year of hundreds of reports on Mek, a darling of Washington Conservatives which has set up what critics such as Retired Colonel Ylli Zyla, a former Albanian counter-terror and intelligence official that has become an MEK watcher describe as “a state within a state” inside Albania and their Mafia like atrocities against its dissident members as well as against the people of Albania, that not only shocked the Albanians but also caused great embarrassment for the Mek leader Maryam Rajavi and her guardian, “the US embassy” in Tirana.
Shocking Reports not only by almost all Albanian media but by even English Independent newspaper and also Channel 4 TV reporters each from a different angel, reported that:

“MEK are behaving in Albania like a mafia – breaking laws, blackmailing, paying people off, beating people, threatening defectors, accusing anyone who questions them of being an Iranian agent and controlling their members in the camp through Stalinist totalitarian methods and yet call themselves democrats that are in Albania to take democracy to Iran.”

Members or rather ex-members like me who have been educated in Europe were exploited in order to deceive the West about the real nature of MEK. Mek in the last four decades that has been cut off from Iranian society due to their terrorism inside their country, collaboration with the Iraq’s ruler Saddam Hossein, has learned how to deceive journalists, individuals, and uninformed politicians by staging shows to white wash their real nature and cultic behavior of cutting all members from outside world including from their children, parents, brothers and sisters ,…

These children are controlled by a group of Mek assassins that long before the present regime was established, have been in the business of assassinating US officials that before supporting Mek used to support the Shah of Iran.

The big questions are, why when you talk to these people inside MEK (of course at the presence of controlling members) they look so dedicated, so determined, so enthusiastic towards their well-orchestrated propaganda of defending democracy and freedom, but such determination does not buy them enough credit so that Maryam Rajavi would allow them to meet with people outside their cult, their families, a journalist, … alone. On the other hand, why Maryam Rajavi is so determined to hide such members?!! Why force them to be separated from their loved ones (from wife or husband and even their children)? How do they justify their full support for Sept 11 barbaric act, which when I objected to Mek’s support and demanded leaving Mek, was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment.

Your honor
I will be more than glad to put at your possession all my thirty years of inside experience about Mek.

Sincerely yours
Davood B. Arshad
Dagens Næringslivon Newspaper editor in Chief

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